The minimalistic-style design, optimization for Gutenberg, WooCommerce support and rich functionality make Once theme a good choice for any blog or magazine.
There are 6 ready-made site demos: food, travel, home interior design, and others, and these demos feature one-click import.
You can customize colors, choose fonts, header styles, various post layouts. The theme offers next post autoloading, video backgrounds, the Mega menu, sticky sidebars, and other useful features.
Once theme has many places where you can place ads.
For posts, there are a table of contents, related articles, inline related posts, an estimate of the time required to read the post, social network share buttons, an author’s block, etc. Galleries can be displayed as tiles or a slider.
The theme is integrated with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest. There is a widget of popular posts.
Once theme supports Infinite Scroll, Ajax Load More, and standard paged navigation.
The theme is compatible with the Co-Authors plugin which allows guest posting and running a multi-author website.